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Balance of Ecosystem: Earth Needs Healing!

Uttam Banerjee

Earth has gone through tremendous exploitation by various human races over countless years. The balance of nature has gone haywire. Balance of ecosystem is a must now for receiving the bounty blessings we have been taking for granted, since the beginning of the human race.

Balance of ecosystem
Balance of ecosystem

Let's get to the understanding, what is meant by Balance of ecosystem?

A balanced ecosystem is a dwelling place that is viable. It has animals, plants, microorganisms, and all living creatures that rely on each other and their geographical area. These ecosystems exhibit resourceful energy and material cycling. It also displays a link between primary producers and those depending on them. This also gets our attention to the Energy flow of the ecosystem, namely; the flow of energy through living things within an ecosystem between producers and consumers. This is further explained by the way the food chain works.

What is a natural ecosystem?

The simplest definition of a natural ecosystem is that it is a community or group of living organisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment. There can be various Types of the ecosystem such as:-

  1. Terrestrial ecosystem

  2. Forest ecosystem

  3. Grassland ecosystem

  4. Desert ecosystem

  5. Tundra ecosystem

  6. Freshwater ecosystem

  7. Marine ecosystem

There is a dire need to restore the environment: Restoration is the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.

So, Ecology restoration is bringing the ecosystem back to its original pure form!

Being one with nature is therapeutic! Earth has pampered and healed all its living creatures since the time they existed. Now is the time for earth’s healing!

Energy, minerals, nutrients, water, oxygen, and living organisms make for the Components of the ecosystem, which must not be tampered with.

When we talk about the restoration of ecology, we need to take into consideration the Diversity of ecosystem:

Ecosystem diversity deals with the variations in ecosystems within a geographical location and their overall impact on human existence and the environment. Ecosystem diversity addresses the combined characteristics of biotic properties and abiotic properties.

Ecosystem importance is well understood, especially during the tough times of pandemic

It's undeniable that humans are responsible for the destruction, but it's also a fact that this race cannot be completely removed from the system; if it happens, we humans would not even know what's happening after we are gone! The fun is when we take corrective actions, help the earth heal, take pride in being a green warrior, save the ecosystem, isn’t it?

The issues which have been tarnishing the environment since the early times are only becoming worse, this brings us all closer to the holocaust, and that to a slow one, not sudden!

What goes against the natural functions of an ecosystem?

We have been understanding the crisis, but in the true sense, not many of us take responsibility for our actions.

Focussing on some of the pertinent issues which are going against the natural ecosystem as below:


A pollutant is anything unwanted mixing with air, water, and soil or which pollutes the natural essence and deems it unfit to continue to exist in the same pure form as before. Pollution leads to suffering to earth in the gradual run and its living creatures on an ongoing basis. Disposal of wastes, unmindfully, leads to pollution of great order in oceans affecting aquatic life, landfills leading to toxins infusing inland. Nuclear and chemical waste disposal is particularly dangerous.

Global warming

Human activities, chemical factories, vehicles with no pollution check, burning of fuels release toxic gases in surroundings and heats the surface, oceans, and atmosphere. This has led to global warming. This in turn is leading to ozone layer depletion. The result of global warming takes effect in rising sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, flash floods, and desertification. An understanding of the pros and cons and subsequent action will only lead to ecosystem restoration.


The size of the population is directly proportional to the use of chemicals. Disposal of chemicals increases the level of sabotage to nature. Natural non-renewable resources get a heavy burden of demand. They are perishable and getting over slowly! Water is going to be the most precious item to possess very shortly. Stringent rules need to be applied, and the population needs thorough education. Without these, it's difficult to bring any change.

Loss of biodiversity

Each organism in the ecosystem is important, they all play an important role. There is excessive extinction of species because of human intervention in nature. Biodiversity describes the variety of living beings on earth. In short, it is described as a degree of variation of life. Biological diversity ranges from microorganisms, plants, animals, and ecosystems, such as coral reefs, forests, deserts, etc.


Cutting trees for commercial purposes has led to soil erosion. This also tampers with the water cycle. Affects climate and rainfall in adverse ways.

Acid rain

Chemical pollutants in the atmosphere such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause acid rain, which has negative consequences for humans, wildlife, and aquatic species. Knowing the areas where the earth needs a respite is important to understand how to let it heal.

Balance of Ecosystem would need the following with immediate effects:

1. Control the source of pollution (fastest and most economical way)

This is the best way for the environment to heal. In a recent study that compiled research on over 400 different restoration sites, scientists concluded that, as long as the source of degradation or pollution stops, the environment will self-repair without any other measure.

2. Educate (not just kids but grown-ups too, as old habits die hard)

For helping the earth heal, we need to educate at the grassroots level. Earth Day activities help to educate kids when they are at an impressionable stage and start caring for the earth from a very young age! Schools actively are on a mission to engage kids in eco-friendly activities and teach them to love nature and help it stay clean. Kids know better than adults that littering is not good!

The basic mantra to stop the spread of pollution and to judiciously use the non-renewable resources can save earth to a great extent to reach the tipping point or the point of no return! Water conservation is the most serious issue right now. Some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year. There is an organization, which deeply relates to this cause and came up with waterless solutions.

4. Opt for sustainable methods, here are some handy pointers:

  • Develop simple habits like turning off the electrical appliances when not in use

  • Buy eco-friendly home cleaning products

  • Try to recycle as much as possible

  • Go for a green commute

  • Learn and promote composting

The better sense should prevail, and then we are all set to take the adversities by their horns!

Some study based facts on how long earth takes to heal:

  • The variation in the amount of time it takes a tropical forest to recover ranges from 10 years for smaller disturbances to 7000 years, for more frequent and severe forms of impact.

  • If an old-growth forest previously had 500-year-old trees that had been cut down, it would take at least 500 years for the forest to recover. For that reason, the rate of recovery in water ecosystems is faster than that on land because the organisms have shorter lifespans.

  • On average, it takes 503 years for a tropical forest to recover according to Lydia Cole in her article, “How quickly do tropical forests recover from disturbance?” But these forests usually won’t “fully” recover, according to existing research. They can eventually recover to a rate of about 95.5 percent.

  • Interestingly, forests in Central America recover faster than those in Asia, and forests that have faced more disruptions in the past in a timescale of 1000 years can more quickly recover from later disruptions.

We do need to save the ship on which we are sailing, not just for now, but for making it abundantly available for our future generations and all forms of life on earth. A little change in the mindset and a little effort in action can surely help with ecosystem restoration. Remember, the earth does need healing and balance of ecosystem!


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